Sunday, March 2, 2014

surreal deep soul 1994

surreal 9 months old
deep soul,

imprinting USA today photo, surreal and forest bloodgood

portland woodstock artists 1994

forest, becca, suzanne, juan, jenny......and our brochures, doh.

hypycrites $1994 woodstock

food stands were looted
there was not a tent that survived
trucks could not get to porto potties, mud feces yum
hippycrites -r-us all

i sense a muddy woodstock 1994 theme

music mud 1994 wallows

hordes descended, no tickets needed
it rained and made a pudding
look at them go
day2 or 3?

fiddlestock forestbooth

fiddling in front of our jewelry emporium
woodstock 1994
before the rain& mayhem

fun sales booth 1994

big surreal days in NY pasture

forest woodstock booth setup 1994

booth set up
$1600 fee, split between 3 Portland Saturday Market
Artist families

i brought these painted canvas "walls" from pdx

Surreal T.S. Hawthorne 1994 NY

Surreal Turquoise Spiral Hawthorne

forest and surreal Woodstock Festival 1994

forest and surreal, 1994